Currently, our only product is:
Adds more functions to Google Sheets™! Currently only adds NumPy-style indexing and slicing of 1D/2D arrays with the "SLICE" function.
Slices/indexes an array using NumPy-style slicing (
@param input_range The cells of an array.
@param index_or_slice_text_1 Either the number of a row/column to select (ex: `1`), or text (a string) specifying NumPy-style slice string (ex: `"0:4:2"`). Numbering starts from 0 like in NumPy, not from 1.
@param index_or_slice_text_2 Optional. Either the number of a column to select (ex: `1`), or text (a string) specifying NumPy-style slice string (ex: `"0:4:2"`). Numbering starts from 0 like in NumPy, not from 1.
@return The indexed/sliced array.